Your personal image is the reflection of your true self to the world.
What is personal image? Personal image When you first meet someone, all it takes is 7 seconds for people to build an image of who you are, based solely on your personal image – meaning your clothing style, looks and non-verbal language.
Your personality, qualities, values and even aspirations are vehiculated by your personal image.
The clothes you wear, through their cut, colors, material, style and the way you wear them, say a lot about you. They are the reflection of you to the world.
" Show the world the person you aspire to be, and it will enable you to become that person. "
The better your personal image resonates with who you truly are, the more confident you will be, the more fulfilled you will feel, the more opportunities will open up to you, and the happier you will become.
" The closer you line your self with your image,
The happier and more fulfilled you will be "
The impact of your image
Your personal image impacts the way you perceive yourself.
It influences your self-confidence, and the way you behave and think.
It also impacts those around you, who base their judgment on it. Therefore your image also has an effect on how others interact with you.
To summarize, your image plays a role in the opportunities you encounter and, thus, in the life you lead.
Why adapt your Personal Image? What would happen if you finally reflected who your truly are?
What would happen if you were to instead reflect the person you are not?
Can you say with confidence that, today, you are the best incarnation of yourself?
Are you living the life you long for?
To reflect what you are not is equivalent to living the life of a person you are not, a life that is not meant for you.
When to start the journey of personal image transformation?
The best time to start your personal image program
The program is meant for anyone and can be started at any point in life.
This guidance often proves necessary after a personal change.
As a human being, we constantly grow.
We are shaped by the encounters, experiences, hardships, learnings and revelations found along our path in life.
Throughout our life, we evolve, grow and become better or simply different people. Our personal image does not necessarily follow along, however. There is a secondary introspective work to be done so your personal image grows with you and reflects who you ultimately become.
When our image does not evolve alongside us, we show the world an archaic version of ourselves. An image that no longer corresponds and holds us back from the life we wish to live. Here are a few key points that indicate the right time to undertake the personal image program:
• The realization that your personal image has not grown to your full potential.
• The entrance into a new life step (search for a new job, professional ascension or reorientation, search for a new mate, …).
• A desire to find or rediscover yourself, to improve your personal development and to move towards a new life.